

发布时间:2021-08-10 10:08:00 信息来源:



  Official Name of the Development Zone: Benxi Guanyinge Economic Development Zone 

  2、开发区简介:本溪观音阁经济开发区是经辽宁省人民政府批准成立的省级经济开发区,开发区位于辽宁省中部城市群,紧靠沈阳现代化都市圈中心地带,距沈阳市区90公里。开发区交通便利,沈丹高速、辽中环线高速在县内设有出入口,距沈阳桃仙机场公85公里,最近港口丹东港160公里。开发区总规划面积 10.8平方公里,核心区给排水及污水处理、工业用电、天然气、工业供暖等基础设施完备,是本溪满族自治县参与辽宁和东北新一轮振兴经济发展的先导区和示范区。 

  Brief Introduction: Benxi Guanyinge Economic Development Zone is a provincial economic development zone approved by the Peoples Government of Liaoning Province. It is located in the central city cluster of Liaoning Province, close to the center of the modern metropolitan circle of Shenyang, which is 90 kilometers away from the downtown area of Shenyang. Additionally, the transportation in the development zone is convenient with entrances and exits of Shenyang-Dandong Expressway and Liaozhong Ring Expressway set in the county. It is 85 kilometers away from Shenyang Taoxian Airport and 160 kilometers away from the nearest port, Dandong Port. With a total planning area of 10.8 square kilometers, the development zone has complete infrastructure for water supply and drainage, sewage treatment, industrial electricity consumption, natural gas, industrial heating, etc. It is the pilot and demonstration area for Benxi Manchu Autonomous County to participate in the new round of economic revitalization in Liaoning and the northeast of China. 


  Leading Industrial Development Direction and Key Investment Projects: “Ginseng iron” deep processing and auto parts industry, high-end glass products industry, deep processing of Chinese herbs and agricultural products. 


  Requirements for cooperation: in general accord with the leading industries of the economic zone, and all other high-tech and strategic emerging industries that meet the requirements of its plan. 

  5、开发区联系方式:联系人李明欣、电话024-46823677 46820813、传真024-46821057、邮箱bxgygjjkfq@126.com 

  Contact: Li Mingxin, Tel: 024-46823677 46820813, Fax: 024-46821057, Email: bxgygjjkfq@126.com 


  Pictures of the industrial park, key enterprises  

  and products: 














